Tuesday, September 15, 2009

BoOk WoRm...

Camden LOVES books!! He LOVES books so much...his favorite so far are : Brown bear, Brown bear and Polar Bear,Polar Bear and Baby bear, Baby bear and then any real life animal books or books with pictures of real peoples faces. He loves books and I am so glad! Nathan is a book lover too and always has been. Breonna is finally starting to love reading too which has been a blessing! I am happy to have a family of readers!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Favorite Things:

Camden is in love with his blanket. This started a few months ago. It was just a random blanket (that I don't even love myself) that Breonna registered for at Target when we were awaiting Camden's arrival. One of my sisters (Emily, I think) got it for his shower. Another one for a gift from someone else. I was bad and regifted the blanket as I didnt need two (BIG MISTAKE!) One night I grabbed a blanket from his dresser and just put it on him as it was cold and that was IT the next morning he would NOT let it go. Since the, it has been at his side. I am loving the fact he has this blanket. Since he fell in love it he has pretty much slept 6 to 11hours a night which is so nice. Of course since I was dumb and re-gifted the duplicate blanket I HAD to find another one JUST IN CASE. Well Target no longer carried them in the store and people were selling them on eBay for 30.00 or more. This blanket is nothing fancy. Its just a soft, fleece-y, winnie the pooh (gag!) blanket and it was like 15.00 at Target. Finally, I got smart and found it online at Target, not sure why I didnt think of it at the time. But, alas, we have a "just in case", duplicate blanket..he loves them both...Here is the proof!! Thank you Emily for buying the blanket!!! And Thank you Breonna for picking it out!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Camden has two of them! One is in all the way and the other is coming in slowly, but it is there. He has been in a good mood through it all which has been a blessing for both our family and Camden. I am glad I don't remember having all those hard teeth pop through my gums. I feel so bad for babies when they teethe, but honestly Camden has been a real trooper through it all. With his 1st tooth coming in we had to do a few doses of tylenol to help the poor guy get through the night, but after that he was good as gold and sleeping through the night. This 2nd tooth has not bothered you at all. Infact, he is (lovingly) biting mommy and daddy's knees all the time :)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Party, party, party...

All this new business with crawling and pulling himself up really tires him out!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Happy Birthday...

to me. Yup, I am 29 years old today. I had a really nice day. It was a hard day, but a nice day. I woke up and worked until about 2pm and then went to the gym and worked out for about an hour and 20min. That felt so good. Had to come back and work a few more hours until the daycare closed, but afterwards I packed up the kiddos and my neice and we headed to Tacoma for dinner at Sakura's Japanese Steak House. It was good. Table of 13 seated and fed. I got some great gifts to put into my savings stash for a new kitchen table I want. I also enjoyed a lovely Happy Birthday song sang wonderfully, and loudly (VERY loudly) by Emily and Stephanie's boyfriends! Yeah me! It was funny though. My good friend Angela came to dinner and it was great to finally see her and hang out with her. We need to do it more often.

Today was kinda hard for me too though. It was the 1st year in 29 years my dad wasnt around for my birthday. As I opened cards I got to my moms card and only seeing my moms name signed at the bottom was hard. I miss my dad, a lot. We always made eachother crazy. We bickered a lot back and forth and he would make me INSANE with his smoking but I loved him more than anything. He was my dad and he was a good man despite his temper at times. I know he loved me and I loved him. It was just hard not seeing his name on that card.

I miss you dad!! I love you!!

Thank you to my mom, sisters Christine, Steph, Emily, Kam, Dan, Angela, Nathan, Breonna and Camden and my husband Floyd for the wonderful dinner out and great gifts and flowers. It really was a nice evening out and a great ending to a nice 29th birthday!! I just wish dad could of been there too.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Workout week 2

So Saturday Michelle, two of her kids, her dog Tug and my three kids and our two dogs went for a nice long walk in the hot weather. We walked from my house to Silver Creek Park. Down a huge hill and then back up the hill. It was a fantasic and tiring walk. The dogs were pooped, I was beat and the kids were hot and hungry too. It was perfect. I just wish Floyd had decided to come.

Sunday - no work out. Just a day of rest and cleaning the house.

Monday - Went to the gym. Brought Camden. I did not stay very long as it was Camden's 1st time in Nursery care there and I worried about him. I stayed about 30min doing the treadmill. I should of stayed longer and did weights and the eliptical since Camden was totally fine in there.

Tuesday- Will be going back to the gym tonight. Hoping Camden can just stay home with daddy. We will see though!

Monday, July 6, 2009


Oh those hot summer days and loving on watermelon! Do you remember those days?! Well Camden was able to enjoy his FIRST hot summer day of chomping on watermelon, and he loved it..and it was on his 1st Fourth of July.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Workout week 1 ** just a side blog for me really**

As long as I can remember I have always been heavier. There were times that I thought I was heavy, but looking back I now realize I am actually at my heaviest ever and "back then" while I was heavier I was actually healthier. I have joined many gyms. Doing well at going, but soon losing interest in going due to either previous committment, too tired or really just being plain lazy! When I used to go to Graham Fitness with a friend of mine I went and it was working, then she stopped going so I ended up stopping. Stupid reason, but really working WITH someone really does help you and motivate you. Yesterday, I went with a wonderful and best friend of mine to Callaway fitness and I paid for yet another membership. My ultimate goal is to actually GO and I know going with Michelle will really play a big part in achieving my goal!! I really WANT to lose this weight. I need to find my nitch and keep reminding me that I dont need to go, but I WANT TO GO!!

Reasons for going:

1) I'd like to one day get pregnant. If I don't, I will say I am totally happy and loving my family as it is. With Camden here I am in love and I fall more and more in love with him. I am feeling like a better mom to ALL my kids.

2) I want my kids to be proud of me.

3) I want to be able to KEEP UP with my kids and live to see them grow old! I want to know my great-great grandbabies!

4) I want to dress in actual clothing that looks NICE on me rather than the same 4 outfits I do wear, or really fit into.

5) I want to be proud of ME!

Tonight, the original plan was to go with Michelle to Callaway and work out. She called me and said "okay I am ready" so I asked her to pick me up and we would go. Not even a minute later my phone rang again it was Michelle asking me if I wanted to WALK there...uh, no I didnt want too. But I did! I WALKED the entire way. I know I am slow, super slow but I did it!! I am really proud of myself. It was HOT out, and I hate the heat, but I did it. I really did it. We walked an hour and 15 min there, and then worked out for about 45min and walked the hour or so BACK home. I honestly thought several times on the way home I could call Floyd to come get me, but Michelle pushed me gently and I really did have to pee! But I made it home! I am excited and happy that I made it.

more to come...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Camden playing in the grass...

From yesterday evening. Floyd was BBQ'ing dinner and I needed a break from the lil'man so daddy said he would take Camden outside while he cooked dinner. So much for the break I wanted and needed. I ended up taking pictures of Camden! Ahhh..such a sweet face!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


My Camden is 8 months old and actually heading towards 9 months in a few days now. It has been a wonderful 8 months having him in our lives. 8 months brought TONS of new things!

*Sleeping through the night
*Pulling himself up
*Sleeping through the night
*Eating TONS of solids and some table food too
*Loving on a new blankey he needs...all the time.
*Sleeping through the night
*Saying "Mamama" and "dadada" and "etetetet" (Whatever that is!?!)
*Sleeping through the night

Monday I was able to enjoy the day off, doing taxes for 2008 and spent the afternoon with my family at the beach! Here are some pictures from that day trip!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Just an FYI to my frequent readers.....

I had some people email me and say "we read your blog, but we don't want to join" well I just wanted to let you know you DO NOT HAVE TO JOIN OR SIGN UP to leave a comment.
If you want to comment on the blog you can click "comment" and then click on Name/URL and just input your name. If you do not have a blog or website then just leave it blank and hit the "post comment" buttom and there ya go!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

8 months old today

Camden is 8 months today. I cried when I realized what the date was! He is growing up and I don't think I am totally ready for it. But, there is not much I can do about it I suppose.

This evening I laid Camden down for bed. He was playing around in his crib, beating Froggie and talking. Finally, after 35min of listening to him I looked in the baby monitor (we have a video monitor!) and at 9:39pm I went RUNNING in his room and because I had saw him in the monitor and he was STANDING in his crib! Are you kidding me!?! We *JUST* lowered the darn thing to the 2nd highest position because he sat himself up in there. And honestly I am scared that if we lower it to the lowest position he will be stuck in his crib because I cannot reach down to get him out of there...I am too short!

Incase you did not know he was born at 9:39am and he found standing in his crib at 9:39pm...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Breonna and baseball

Well today was Breonna's last game of the season in baseball. I took my new camera with and got some pretty good shots of her! She is an excellent player. She had a rough go at the beginning of the year but man, does she ever improve and fast! Breonna has a great arm and she can throw the ball FAR!

Below is s sequence of Breonna hitting the baseball! This camera is awesome!

Here is Breonna doing one of her famous slides...she was SAFE! Can you see her??

Getting ready to catch the ball. She has been doing great!!

Up to bat! Breonna hit a homerun as soon as I snapped the photo! Go Breonna!!

Just a good picture of Breonna doing what she is supposed to be doing out there!

Go Breonna! Go Breonna! Go Breonna!

Breonna caught this pop fly ball and got the girl out as well as getting another out!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Looks like Floyd and I will need to lower Camden's crib a notch. He has discovered how to sit up when laying down. So far he has done it twice and it has only been while IN his crib.

He is growing up. My soul rejoices and my heart breaks.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Best Buds

Camden has a little friend and his little friend is SUPER cute! His friends name is Colin Weston. He is two weeks older than Camden and just adorable. It is so nice when I can meet up with Colin's mom and we can compare "notes" on the boys. We met up on Sunday and after church headed to the Olive Garden for lunch. Here are some pics of the boys together...