Sunday, June 7, 2009

8 months old today

Camden is 8 months today. I cried when I realized what the date was! He is growing up and I don't think I am totally ready for it. But, there is not much I can do about it I suppose.

This evening I laid Camden down for bed. He was playing around in his crib, beating Froggie and talking. Finally, after 35min of listening to him I looked in the baby monitor (we have a video monitor!) and at 9:39pm I went RUNNING in his room and because I had saw him in the monitor and he was STANDING in his crib! Are you kidding me!?! We *JUST* lowered the darn thing to the 2nd highest position because he sat himself up in there. And honestly I am scared that if we lower it to the lowest position he will be stuck in his crib because I cannot reach down to get him out of there...I am too short!

Incase you did not know he was born at 9:39am and he found standing in his crib at 9:39pm...


Missy said...

WOOOO HOOOO Camden!!!!!!!!! What a milestone!!!

When I was pg with Sam I had a hard time getting DJ in and I put a step stool on the outside of his crib that helped me...just an Ikea one...

Anonymous said...

you need to put him in time out...or send him over here, I'll spank his buns for you!!
Oh well, I guess there's nothing you can do now. Congrats Camden!!