Saturday, July 7, 2007

So it's been a long time...

and I should probably update. Lots going on. Well my last 2 appointments have been good. Nothing major. My follicles are growing slowly, but they are growing. They want they to grow slow and steady and since they are we are on target. My E2 level keeps going up which is a great sign! The last week has been awfully stressful for both me and Floyd. We are driving up to Seattle every two days so I can have ultrasounds and blood work done. The drive seems so long, even though it is a long drive it seems even longer than it once was. I am on auto pilot I think. I wake, up dress, daycare kids ready for my assistants to be with, get in the car, drive, drive, drive, check in, wait, blood work (cry!), walk directly to the ultrasound room, undress, lay down, and becomes ver rutien and honestly I feel almost violated. I know its all for a wonderful cause but honestly to come in every day and undress for someone different nearly every two days to look at my "va-jay-jay" is getting to be old and tiresome. Its been emotional for me and makes me feel a little crazy in the head. But hopefully once this is all done and over with it will be worth it.

Today, Saturday July 7, 2007 we went for another ultrasound. I have 9 lovely follicles. 5 on the right side and 4 on the left side. The biggest ones being 16mm on the left and 13.5mm on the right. They need to be 18 to 21mm for us to do IUI or hope they would be ready enough to create a life. Dr. Marshall says the grow about 2mm every day so on Monday or Tuesday I should be ready for the trigger shot and then following with IUI in the next 24 hours. Its exciting! :) Our last round of fertility drugs 2yrs ago had to be cancelled due to my follies not growing and my E2 level dropping. Anyways, we will be doing an IUI sometime next week and hopefully we will test positive 2 weeks later :)

Keep you updated!


Anonymous said...

Yeah!! 16!! That is soooo close to the target. I'm so excited for you guys!

I know you are a bit stressed over all of this but keep your eye on the prize or just stop for a frosty on the way back. Whichever works, right!!