Sunday, July 15, 2007


its been so long. Alot of has happened over the last week. I will start with Monday July 09, 2007. We went in for our ultrasound. Found out that I had one good follie at 18.9mm and another okay one at 14.6mm. The doctor suggested that it was time for a trigger shot to release the egg, but wanted us to wait until 12am midnight on Monday, so I suppose it was really Tuesday when I got the shot, which was was my 27th birthday. So anyways Floyd gave me the trigger shot at 12:07am and off to bed I went as I needed to work the next morning bright and early. On Wednesday we were scheduled for our IUI. Floyd went in early to do "his thing" and he came back and picked me up about 9:30am and we drove BACK up to Seattle for the IUI. It was done and over with within 20min. I had to sit with my hips up for about 15 to 20min and then off we went back home. Amazing parking only cost us $3.00 this time. Funny how the IUI was the fastest of all appointments up until this point! We were instructed to have intercourse again Wednesday night and everyother night following.

So today is Sunday. I guess I would be 4 days past ovulation. I am to have a trigger booster shot every 3 days. So we did on Friday night, will again tomorrow which is Monday and the last one on Wednesday evening. We will get to test on Saturday the 28th to see if I am pregnant.

I do have one simple request. Please do not ask me if I "feel" pregnant. I don't. I have no idea what it feels like to be pregnant. Nothing unsual is going on besides some twinges in my ovary area which I am told is normal.

Thanks for understanding all.....

Here is a link to a video you all may want to see. Its a short "video" of a couples struggle with infertility.


"It is our longing for this child that keeps us on this path to trying...."


Anonymous said...

I was just going to email you to tell you to update your blog! Great minds think alike, right.

That video was so cool. I only experienced part of that feeling. It took us almost 2 years to get pregnant so I can't really compare to all the shots and doctors appts.

You know I'm praying for you!!! That and a couple of shots in your hip is all I can offer.

Nicole said...

Thanks 'shelley-bell...:) The prayers and shots in the hips are all I need from ya! OH and you have to take crotch shots when I have HER!


Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Oh, you know I'm there! I can't wait to take THEIR first pictures!