Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Camden Robert - LeRoy Powell

has landed safely on earth and in our home. It has taken me 2 weeks to write this. I have started 5 or 6 times only to end up in tears. I am so happy he is here, healthy and home with us.

I am going to make this a fairly quick post as nap time at the daycare is nearing an end.....

Camden was born October 7, 2008 via c-section at 9:39am. He was born at Valley General Hospital. Camden was 7 pounds 14 ounces and 20 inches at birth. Small and skinny and so so so cute. He just has this face and these very deep dark eyes that draw you in. He is really a beautiful baby.

Camden was born at 9:39am and in our hearts and arms at 9:56am. I was in love. Camden's birthdad came into our room and when Camden was wheeled in and John, his birthdad handed him to me. It was unbelieveably the hardest thing I have ever done and that was to take this baby from his arms. Floyd, my mom, Michelle, my three sisters, Terri, Shirley and Zack were all in the room with us. We were there while nurse bathed him, gave him his shots and eye meds. Soon after I got to give him his first bottle. He ate so well and burped like a grown man! Floyd and I were lucky to be able to room with Camden at the hospital. Camden's birthmom chose not to room with him and as sad as I was to know that I was happy Floyd and I would be able to start bonding with him at once. And we have. The hospital discharged us on Wednesday evening and we spent the next 24 hours at home waiting for our lawyer to call us on Friday morning.

We got the call on Friday morning that everything was "a go" and we would just need to complete our 3 month post placement with Joni in January. Camden's first doctors appt was that Friday afternoon. He weighed 7pounds 9.5ounces and was perfect.

Camden has made my life. His little footprint is stamped on my heart forever. Both Nathan and Breonna are all over him and Floyd is IN LOVE with him.

Camden's birthmom and birthdad are amazing people. I know they LOVE this child SO SO much. Camden will forever be on their hearts as well. Eventually I hope his first mom and first dad will call so we can meet up. In the meantime I will be sending pictures to them. I went online and made two photo albums for them to send. Just gotta get them back from Wal-Mart's print shop and away in the mail they will go.


Anonymous said...

No matter how many times I hear the story, it will bring tears to my eyes... and I was there!
You're right, he is really beautiful. Two boys and a girl, congrats!!

aundrea2u said...

okay first i have to reprimand you

how could you make me wait this long for a update

second omg girl i have been praying for this for you since the first day you told me about you and Floyd.



okay im over the suspense of not knowing wjat was happening.