Thursday, October 23, 2008

Halloween is approaching.

Well it will (of course) be Camden's first Halloween this year (duh!). Before he was born I bought a cute Halloween outfit at Old Navy. It was not a costume, just a cute outfit. I bought it in 3-6months instead of newborn. I was anticipating he would be much bigger at birth, I was wrong. He will not fit in it during this Halloween. I have been debating on returning it or not, but it seems like too much of a hassle seeing as how I do not have the recipet and Old Navy requires one even to exchange sizes.

He will wear this for Halloween:

I am not sure what Breonna and Nathan will be. I believe Nathan will just find some funky mask and Breonna well, not sure. We fight about it every year. She always wants to be some blood sucking, creature from way beyond this planet...or a devil which I won't allow. I will get pictures of all three of them up here SOON.
Happy "almost" Halloween!


Kelli~Sue said...

Surprise's me. Hope you don't mind that Terri sent me your blog site.

I've had the address for several days...tried to read it but started crying and decided to attempt another day. Still cried today but made it through.

I'm taking things one day at a time....seein pix of Camden is really, really tough for me. I know in my heart that what we did was the absolute right thing. It's just super difficult to comprehend at the moment. In time I will be able to see pix and not have a meltdown...that time is not now!!

I am so happy for you and your family. We are blessed to have been able to help you complete it. Everything happens for a reason and God's reason for my becoming pregnant(John & I had a part in it..LOL)was so we could help you become the family you've been praying for.

You have been wonderful by giving me time to adjust to things. I'm getting there. John seems to be handling things very well. He's absolutely great with me when I have my meltdown's. He is a wonderful man.

Zack is being brave for me, but seems to being doing well.

Hope you don't mind that I did this at your blog site...after I read everything I just felt the need to get it all out now...
