Monday, December 8, 2008

2 month appt

Real quick post here. Camden is about to awaken from his slumber :)

2 month appt was today. GREAT visit. I love the new ARNP I chose. I really do like the Doctor he 1st saw but I felt he was rushed and I just don't like that. I also felt my concerns were not being validated. Anyhow, Sara Husarik saw us today and she was so sweet. She is mother of 6 children, her husband also works there and is a Doctor.

Anyhow Camden's stats:

Weight 10pounds 12 ounces
Length 23 inches long
Head 15.5in

Sarah said his nasty cough was not in his chest thank goodness. His lungs sounds crystal clear and to come back if the cough is not better or gets worse. To continue with saline in his nose and the humidifier, all of which we have been doing.

Camden got 4 shots, but both were combined into two, so really only two shots one in each leg (he screamed!) and then an oral med which he SUCKED down!! So far no fever and he has been sleeping since. Poor guy.

Camden really is a very happy baby! Talks a lot to us, smiles SOOO much!!! He loves Nathan and Breonna. When they walk into the room and he hears their voices he tries to look for them.

Pictures soon...I hope. I need to load them and time is not something I have a lot of these days!