Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The room is almost done...

Well the muralist came today....and finished. Well almost :) Once this kiddo has a name she will come back and paint it on the wall and we want to add a few more things on the walls, more on that below. Floyd and I also were able to get the Monkey's up on the wall. Over our lunch with the birth parents we found out baby's dad loved monkeys. She put two up there. Floyd and I talked and we really want this child to have his birth parents incorporated into his life. Unfortunately over our lunch I didn't get to find out what mom loved or liked. So that will be my next question for her. During lunch it was awkward, but so exciting! I finally started asking mom questions (last night) about the baby and I feel a little better, I just didnt want to be baby stalking her! I want her to know we are already so in love with this baby and we don't even know him yet. Is that possible?! Is it possible to love someone that you know NOTHING about or have never met? He seems so real, yet so out of reach. God sure is awesome. I do have to say this wouldnt be happening without a friend we (the birthmom and I) have in common. This friend, (you know who you are) really was God's path walker. God made the path and our friend helped carry us down it. She is an important piece to all this too and I could never discount that. Amazing how things work out. Amazing how God makes things so real. It makes me cry to even think about it all. I am so thankful to these two people and I don't even know how to show my thanks and love to them. These people WILL BE family now, Floyd and I will be forever grateful and will forever love them. And this child will know who these people are....

My goals over the next two weeks are the following:

* Post pictures of the far! Remember I don't have a darn camera charger! Mary will be here tomorrow

* Find my camera changer, or convince hubby we just need a new camera. Mary has a NICE one!!

* Get the dresser up in the baby's bedroom

* Talk to birth mom and find out her loves and what she would like incorporated into the baby room.

* Buy a rocking chair

* Complete my address list for Michelle, it is NOT as easy as it sounds. I should keep a phone book!

* Find a pediatrician we LOVE for this baby. We had to switch insurance so we will now be looking for a new pedi for Nathan, Breonna and baby....and we LOVE our current one :(

* Find out when baby will be due. Funny huh? Mom is supposed to have a c-section so we hope to find out the date and then I can schedule time off!! WOOHOO!!!

Oh, I am sure there are more I need to list, but no such luck tonight. I promise I will post pictures of the baby's room as soon as Mary gets over here tomorrow morning and takes them, oh and loads them!!