Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Life and some updates...

Well it has been a long time and today I finally felt the "need" to blog some. Hopefully this will get some things off my mind....or I dunno.

September 1, 2008 -

Breonna started her period. She started it while out with her dad and of course didn't tell him. Got home several hours later and told me all about it. So off Breonna and I went in search of some pads. While out shopping and talking I decided to get Breonna a ring. I dunno why, maybe because she really is taking this huge step into teenage hood and womanhood. But, man your period does suck! Today (8/3/08) was the first day she complained about a headache and cramps. Hopefully this will be over soon for her!

September 2, 2008 -

The kids started school. Nathan is in 8th grade. He has joined the football team and is having a bit of a hard time with one of the 9th grade coaches, but nothing he can't deal with. Breonna is entering her last year of elementary school. She started 6th grade.

Going to back track a little and update all of you on the adoption stuff. We believe we have found a birth mom. She is due in early October. Honestly she seems wonderful. The baby's father does too. They both seem to be genuinely caring people and very laid back. A lot of you know how I feel about adoption and if you don't here it is :" I truly believe parents who are able to place their child into another home are some of the most selfLESS people and it is such a gift, not just anyone can or will do this. It truly does show how much they love their child. Floyd and I are so happy and we are praying within every inch of our bodies this all works out.

Floyd and I have decided to do an open-adoption, which thankfully these parents want for their child as well. Quite a few people have asked us several variations of "why" ?
These are our reasons for doing so:
*When this child looks in the mirror, we want our child to know themselves. It's hard enough to face the world when you don't know where your face came from.
* We don't want our child to have the cabbage patch mentality. The truth is, this child's life won't start the day we adopt them. Like us, their history and ours began a thousand lifetimes ago.
* We believe in a birthmother's right to choose, if she has the courage to place her child with us, she has the wisdom and right to choose her childs parents. Our childs birthmother is his first Mother.
* We wanted to do a domestic open adoption so our child could know their birthfamily. Our adopted child's birthmother/father chose not to abort them, how could we abort our childs birthmother/birthfather/siblings from our lives.

There are plenty more reasons why we want an open adoption, but these few sum it up nicely I think. While Floyd and I will be this child's parents, this child will have other parents, his first parents... and one day this child will want to know about those parents and we *want* to be able to tell him about them.

As for family and friends. They are excited and happy and nervous and scared. So are we!

The nursery is almost finished. We have the crib up, clothing and some basics. I have a muralist coming to paint the nursery or mural on the wall area. The theme of the baby is "surf". I want some waves on the walls, a big sunshine, a surf board, the baby's name, and a monkey (in lieu of the birth father LOVING them) on the surfboard or up in a coconut tree swinging... Here is the website of the lady coming to give us her ideas! I will be sure to post pictures as soon as I can.

My best friend has offered to throw us a baby shower! How exciting for us. I pray we are not getting too far ahead of ourselves and that this will work out.

OH! We passed our homestudy :) WOOHOO!!!


Anonymous said...

This brought tears to my eyes: Our adopted child's birthmother/father chose not to abort them, how could we abort our childs birthmother/birthfather/siblings from our lives.

aundrea2u said...

OMG what a amazing update I look at your blog all the time and wait for a update and today i see the update I have been praying for you. Congrats and lets hope it all works out.