Sunday, May 10, 2009

April 29th brings more firsts for Camden

April 29th was a big day in Camden's little life. It is the I gave Camden a Ritz cracker and he loved it! As you can see from the pictures below, he was in love with the cracker. We didn't let him "eat" the big pieces he broke off. Just let him suck and naw on it until it was soft. At first he was just licking it and tasting it here and there unsure of what it was we offered him...and then we got smart and put the bib on him!

After the cracker I cleaned him up and I needed to work on some daycare billing. Camden had been trying several times to sit up with assistance and just had not gotten the hang of it. Well, for some reason that day (April 29, 2009) Camden decided he could just "do it".....and he did! I sat him up and figured, if he fell while I grabbed my water he would live. Well I didnt hear a crash, no tears NOTHING. I peeked around the corner and low and behold he was STIL SITTING THERE! And he continued to sit there and play. He sat up for close to 20min without toppling over and since then all he wants to do is sit up and play with his toys!

And then it happened! Camden rolled from his back to his tummy! Before this video was actually recorded he had done this 2 other times and each time I swore I was recording it, but of course I was not. I never hit the record button! He had also rolled over from his tummy to back in his crib and since that day he has slept on his tummy in his crib every night!!

Untitled from Nicole Powell on Vimeo.