Wednesday, May 20, 2009


SO when Camden was born he was given a stuffed frog (that croaks!) by a friend of mine. It actually means a lot to me....I collect frogs, my dad who recently passed away collected frogs and from what I remember Camden's birthmom collects them too...sadly, the giver of the frog is terrified of frogs though!

Anyhow, this frog has always sat in Camden's crib. Since Camden just recently started using his crib for both naps and night time sleeping the frog has been noticed by Camden more. It started out that the frog just sat at the top of his crib trapped between the wall and crib so he could see it. Then, Camden would start to reach for it so it began our tradition that before every nap and before I laid him down for bedtime he and I would pet it so it would "croak" at us. He would smile and bat at it to get it to go it again, I would lay him in his crib and I would kiss Camden good night and pat the frog to make it croak, Camden would watch it and I would leave..when he would wake up we would always say "hello" to the frog and go on about our day.

The day Camden had surgery for tubes we brought "froggie" with us and he would giggle at him, cuddle him and just love on him. It was then I realized Camden really did love this frog.

Anyways to make a long story short...Camden sleeps with this frog now. Before he goes to sleep I had him the frog and he pats it, well he BEATS it to make it croak and he smiles proudly at me and hugs the frog and eats it feet (are they feet or sticky pads?!?!) and he drifts off to sleep patting the frog..when the croaking stops I know Camden and Froggie are sounds asleep.

Here is the picture of Camden and Froggie from last night!


Missy said...

Oh how incredibly DARLING!!!!!!!!! What a sweet moment to capture!!! Good job!!