Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Celebrations...Veteran's Day, 5 weeks and 4 hours

Today is Veterans Day. What a day for those who have and are serving our country. I wish them all the best. I want to thank all those who have served for us and who are now. I commend you and wish you all the very best. I promise to continue to pray for your safety.

Along, with Veterans Day comes 5 weeks of life for Camden. Yes, today he is 5 weeks old. I am fully aware that I will be needing to remove all the newborn clothing and replace it with 0 - 3 months clothing. That soon he will no longer be able to wear newborn size diapers and those to will need to be replaced with size 1 diapers. Silly the little things I think about huh? I seriously remember putting a newborn size diaper on him 5 weeks ago today and I had to stretch the velcro tabs so they crossed in order to keep it on him. He still fits into the newborn size diapers but if we don't change them within an hour he will pee and fill 'em up and he will be all wet. Owell. Its only a diaper....
With 5 weeks came four hours. Four hours of sleep in a row. Camden slept for 4 hours. I couldnt believe it. He has only done it once so it could be a fluke but I am going to think its a new thing. I gave Camden a 4oz bottle for the first time last night thinking "eh, what a waste, but 2 oz was not cutting it and 3 oz was doing okay for him...lets try 4oz" The child drank all 4oz. Camden fell asleep right away and was OUT until 3am. Amazed!Breonna will be starting basketball soon. I am excited and sad. This will be her last year playing elementary basketball. She will soon be in middle school and when you go to middle school you have to try out for sports. In elementary school every child gets to play. I know next year Breonna will make the basketball team, she is a strong player and great at what she does. My concern is Breonna already *KNOWS* she is a good player and that tends to go to her head despite the talks about being a team player and being gracious and kind.

Breonna has been struggling in 6th grade and I am slightly worried about her. I know Floyd and I need to bite the bullet and get her a tutor again. Something I am not thrilled with, but she needs it and I will do anything to ensure she does well in school. So the top of my list is getting a tutor.
Nathan is doing well in school. He is passing with just about all A's and B's. This is a huge improvement from last year at this time in the school year. Nathan was struggling even though he does great in school. He was really struggling this time last year. However it wasnt so much the work it was putting forth the effort to actually DO the work! Thankfully, he has gotten his act together.

Floyd and I are doing well. We both walk the days like zombies most days however we are doing well. With lack of sleep comes stupid little arguments that thankfully we both know are insignificant and not worth the effort we attempt to put into them. Floyd and I are so happy with out expanding family and that is the light at the end of the day when a silly argument comes to a head.
Off to watch SVU soon.
P.S. Christmas is coming!!


Anonymous said...

wow, these past 5 weeks have sped by. Compare that to the 5 weeks prior to his birth. That was the slowest time EVER!