Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tired and some updates

I am tired. I am exhasted. I am sleepy. This child does not sleep well. Lil'stinker. He is getting better at night time though. Camden will now sleep for one four hour stretch and then he sleeps 2 to 3 hour stretchs so we are getting a little better, but man there are some nights he just can't sleep for anything. Camden loves to be held at night, but when he is ready to sleep sleep he wants to be in his bed or next to me but on his own sleeping. The only thing that makes me kinda loopy is not taking naps during the day!! Camden is up almost all day long, which is great, but when he gets grumpy its not so great. He wants to go to bed and wants to go to bed NOW. Daddy will take him upstairs and rock or lay with him but most days he wants me. I will say I do love being "the one" though. I love how he will instantly nestle into my neck and smell me, lay down and just pass out. I think daddy is "the fun one" for him. When Floyd talks to him Camden just lights up smilies and gurgling. As 6 weeks has approached and gone Camden is really getting bigger. He is smiling so much more. He really knows who we are and when he sees us and hears us he perks up and just smiles. In the last few days he will follow us with his eyes a little bit here and there. Watching him grow up has been amazing and it has gone by way too fast. WAY too fast.

All is well in the land of us though. Nathan and Breonna are doing well in school and in life in general. Breonna has her almost teenage attitude still...its not any better, but we are adjusting. Nathan is all about cracking jokes about everything, again adjusting to that too. Floyd and I are doing well. We have our moments. Mainly due to lack of sleep, but again it has only been 6 weeks as of yesterday and we are working on getting into a rutein which is helping a ton. Daycare has been full and busy. It makes for some long days, but thankfully we have some great kids here.

In other news Floyd's father is doing fairly well. Quite some time ago he was put on hospice as his cancer is just getting worse and worse. Well I think its more his health than the actual cancer itself. I know that some new cancer crept its way into him and he had two round of chemo to complete before they could decide 1) if it was working or 2)there was nothing more they could do. The first round of this one chemo did not work at all. This second round of another kind of chemo seems to be stopping the growth of it. Not shrinking it but stopping the growth. A few weekends ago Floyd, the kids and I went to lunch with Floyds mom and she was telling us that she has totally stopped all of Rogers medicine and pain meds. At first I was shocked and was getting angry. But once she told me she had been using some Red Ginsing and this mushroom stuff her sister in Korea sent her and it was WORKING and stopping the cancer from growing and than he was eating better and feeling better I knew she was doing right by him. Amazing how its working. I also know that Prayer is helping too.. I feel like I need to shout it from the roof tops that this is working. It will NOT heal him nor make the cancer go away but it has stopped GROWING in other areas of his body and the new cancer has stopped growing as well and seems to working for him. Rogers doctors are amazed as over 7yrs ago they told us he had 6 months to a year to live.....never will I believe there is a expiration date on the bottom of ANYONES foot. No matter how right on a Dr. feels or is or has been...never...


Anonymous said...

I need to get some of whatever she is giving him!