Monday, June 25, 2007

Today is cycle day 1

Well I started my period this morning. I knew it was coming for sure last night. I was crampy and uncomfortable and did not sleep this well. So I called my doctor's office and we scheduled our cycle day 3 ultrasound and a blood work up for Wednesday at 10am. As long as I have no apparently big cysts I will be given the go ahead to start the clomid and repronex. I am very nervous.

Floyd and I always seem to play the "name game" when we start a new round of medication for fertility. Floyd is always thinking that if we get pregnant we will have a boy. I however, given our families history KNOW we will have a girl. I am secretly wishing for a girl though.

Well off to put my feet up. I am waiting for a friend to call about coming to her house to make a few blankets :)

Talk to you all soon. I will keep you updated!


Kodyann said...

Woot! Crossing my fingers for a happy ultrasound!
Tell Floyd he gets to "choose" the gender, so unless he wants a girl he'd better tell his spermies to not be lazy and get off the couch and doo some push ups! roflmao!