Thursday, June 28, 2007

Today is day 2 of injections....

So Breonna was our photographer. She took a picture of her dad giving me the injection of medication :) She enjoyed it a little too much I think! Again please excuse the chub, stretch marks and my granny panties!

Day 3 will be Nathan taking the photograph of me "in pain"! Ha ha! Today's injection was actually painless! WOOHOO!

So today Breonna had her 10yr well check up. Overall she is doing wonderfully. She is 75% for both height and weight. She is offically able to "check out" of the carseat world. For a long time she was tall enough to be out of the booster seat, but unfortunatly not heavy enough. Her dad and I both agreed it would be best to keep her in one until she hit the weight requirements. Thankfully she didnt battle us too much and we NEVER made her bring her booster with her when she went with friends. Breonna got a finger stick to check her iron levels, which was all good and she got her Heb A vaccine as well. She didnt cry at all. I was so proud. Breonna also had her eye appointment. All good for the most part, but because of the long delay in getting her glasses back on her we are at a standstill and are starting with a lesser prescription and will need to get her evaluated in a month, which means a new 'script and more money! But all worth it.

Nathan also had his eye appointment. He will have to wear reading only glasses. He was glad to hear they were only for reading and not something he will need to wear all the time like his sister. Nathan's 12yr well child check up will be on my birthday, July 10. I will update you all then!